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Visitors in the gardens of Jodrell Bank



On Jan 2, 2019, Ethiopia Branch of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics International Alumni Association (DUFE IAA) Inaugural Meeting was held in Conference room, Zhiyuan Building. About 20 alumni from Ethiopia and international students representatives participated. Some leaders of School of International Education (SIE) attended the meeting, including Dean Zhang Jian, Vice Secretary Ren Wei, Vice Dean Yin Minghe and Vice Dean Shan Liang. 




In accordance with the agenda, Dean Zhang Jian awarded the nameplate of Ethiopia Branch of DUFE IAA. 

He further emphasized the significance of establishing branches of international alumni association. He pointed out that alumni association works as a bridge for communication between alumni and alma mater. Alumni is the most valuable resource, which can provide important support to school’s development. International alumni is a great symbol of DUFE’s internationalization, and SIE will actively contribute to branches growth so to carry forward the distinctive spirit of international education.



 Ethiopia Branch is the 14th branch of DUFE IAA. The establishment of Ethiopia Branch will leave an indelible mark on the development of international alumni association.